

フォロー数:7 フォロワー数:1028

220313 🐶💌

- 🐶 day
- it's a little cloudy
- *sticker*
- did you watch music core yesterday?
- thanks
- hihi
- we worked really hard on today's inkigayo performance so please watch it~!

11 55

220124 🐶💌

- y/n hello~~
- nice to meet you~~!!
- *emoticon*
- *emoticon*
- oh my oh my so fascinating!
- y/n❤️
- y/n y/n~
- y/n have you eaten~?
- *emoticon*
- so cute...
- i ate kito kimbap!
it was my first time eating it and it was good~👍🏻

12 58