

Illustrator, She/her, aroace, Disabled artist, Draws cute things and fails to make funny jokes. EnnEffTees and Ey Eye? No thanks!

フォロー数:967 フォロワー数:428

14) I liked Chinatsu Kurahana before it was cool

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13) Yoshiyuki Sadamoto formulated a lot of my childhood anime and video game experience

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10) ok sorry back to self indulgence is one of the coolest artists out there and an amazing disability advocate

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6) Next up is who is the genius behind the fantastic webcomic, Ava's Demon , coming to stores May 30th!!!

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4) Give it up for Kenichi Yoshida

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3) Wouldn't be here without Yoshihiko Umakoshi

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2) Derrick J. Wyatt had a grip over me (may he Rest In Peace)

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1) Gotta give it to CLAMP here

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