

Kyden/Dean/Song| 27 | neurodivergent artist | bigenderfluid transmasc (she/he/it only, no they) | personal account @M34T34T3R | icon by @Dreamt_dog

フォロー数:435 フォロワー数:5441

I also like to do designs for characters!!! this is some various designs I've done, but I'm also doing this warrior cats challenge to make designs for canon cats and I've done... so many of those haha

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and Sorrel and Bracken's second litter, Seedpaw and Lilyheart

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their first litter! Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Honeyfern and Molepaw (who didn't have an actual description asaksd)

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OK SINCE MY LAST POST GOT REAL GLITCHY AND IDK HOW TO FIX IT here's all the cats individually, starting with Sorreltail and Brackenfur!

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Breezepelt and Heathertail's family!! them and their kits Smokehaze and Brindlewing
I'm still not the biggest fan of this couple, but CT made me not hate it at least

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SongxJay!!! some really overdue selfship art, I had such a crush on Jayfeather when I was younger
I think I might turn this into a full painting but I gotta, figure out a background

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a design for a sticker for a lil headcanon of mine that I'm fond of, Fallen Leaves is a he/him lesbian!!!

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oooh sadly I can't share the full pieces of some of the things I'm most recently proud of bc they're part of a zine that's not out yet, but here's what I can show!!!

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Dovewing's eyes are GREEN

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