

Hello there, I like drawing 😀✌
Artist - often related to Gaming 🎮🎨
Feel free to write me ^^

フォロー数:237 フォロワー数:1885

Elora has some nice dribbling skills to show you.

No matter in the forest or on the field she will be fast like a deer.🫒

147 533

Lets go!

Rayman jumps into my Mariostrikers artstyle series.
I think he fits very well into this Project.

Do you like the Rayman ?

91 337

Carmelita fox is here to protect the net and to hunt thiefs. Sly Cooper should be careful.⚽️

146 480

Hey! This raccon stole the ball from another player!
Its time for a Sly Cooper fanart I think he fits very well in my Mariostrikers artstyle project.

What do you think about him as a soccer player?

124 377

Koala Kong is looking for a real challenge!
Is he stronger than Tiny Tiger, Dinodile or Crunch ?

78 236

Its Spyro community day! 💜
So its time to share my Spyro art again. 😄👍

88 262

Isabella Bandicoot is the first Nitrosquad member that starts to play soccer. ⚽️💙

80 286

Yaya Panda is here to show her amazing balance !
I noticed this character in CTR and I was tinking what a cool charcter so I draw her for the Mariostrikers art series.

What Crash characters do you want to see in this style too ?

83 276

N.Brio is a very explosive player just like his potions!
Maybe he will share is power drinks with you if you ask him. 🤔

Would you like to taste his drink?

86 272