

illustrator wannabe 🦌🌻 EN/ID ok! 🌃 post mostly VTuber/hollowknight/eldritch arts🌟and random stuff i did…

フォロー数:514 フォロワー数:448

IM TOTALLY NOT LATE SHEEEEEEESH. Love you best wolf hbday 💕💕💕💕💕

3 14

new logo who dis??!! Thank you so much for bringing this to life 💙 its amazing.

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lmao this is the first drawing i made of my model before i got the colorized version. LOOK SO SEISO EH?

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YOOOOO look at what made for me its so poggerssssss
thank you so muchhh!! 💖💖💖
and also new art tag! wwww

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Lulu but in winter clothes complete! This is totally what i’d wear in real life so totally a guilty pleasure KEKW. Thank you so much for the raids n 💖💖

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Hello~~~~ i’m Luluskies. I play a variety of games but i’m so bad at all of it its kinda sad. Also i draw sometimes 👋🏻

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look. at. how. amazing this is. did such an awesome job *sobs* this made my day. Thank you Pyochu!!!💙💙💙

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