Lumiere Otome_Officialさんのプロフィール画像

Lumiere Otome_Officialさんのイラストまとめ

Lumiere Entertainment Inc. offers a romantic story game for you❤
Check out the game catalog link below👇

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:1387

<My Mystic Secretary> is NOW AVAILABLE in Googleplay/Appstore!
Also the language provided is Korean, English!


Check it out from the link!

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<My Mystic Secretary> is NOW AVAILABLE in Googleplay/Appstore!
Also the language provided is Korean, English!
※ We do not provide other languages. Sorry🙏

Check it out from the link!

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🌟드디어 출시🌟

지금 바로 다운로드해서 즐겨보세요!🔽


절망과 공포로 가득찬 세상과 맞닥뜨린 순간,
필사적으로 도망치던 소녀는 구원을 만났다.

[지금 시간부로 CODE; Dead Ends를 발령한다.]

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▶️OUT NOW!◀️
<CODE; Dead Ends> is NOW AVAILABLE in Korean, English, German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese!⁠

Download below the link👇

We're glad to if you do any comment for game!
Thank you for your love all!🥰

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<CODE; Dead Ends>


"희망을 버리지 마.
이런 상황에서 당신을 살아가게 만드는 건 실낱같은 희망이야.
그 희망이 꺾이는 순간 또한 분명 있을지도 모르지.
하지만 그럴 땐 내가 당신 옆에서 오늘처럼 받쳐줄 테니까."

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<CODE; Dead Ends>


"Don't give up hope.
We may face a greater crisis than what we do now.
But it is this hope that makes you live one day and another.
There might be a moment when you lose hope again.
Even then, I'll stand by you and support you as I did today."

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<CODE; Dead Ends>
Character Information


Lucy’s next-door neighbor, Samuel has known Lucy since they were young.
He’s currently in his first year as an orthopedic surgeon at a leading medical school.

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<CODE; Dead Ends>
Character Information


Since the call of <CODE; Dead Ends>,
In a ruined city, Cale has prioritizes subordination over personal feelings when it comes to competing a mission.

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<CODE; Dead Ends>
캐릭터 소개

케일 (Cale)

CODE; Dead ends 발령 이후,
프란체스코 (Prancesco) 지역의 관리 임무를 맡은 1수색대 육군 대위.
무법지대가 되어버린 도시에서 사적인 감정은 일체 버린 채,
명령에 철저하게 복종하는 것을 최우선으로 미션을 수행해 왔다.

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<CODE; Dead Ends>
Character Information


Since the call of <CODE; Dead Ends>,
Lucas has been the leader of the civilian task force in Prancesco area.
As a former police officer, he puts effort into saving the citizens.

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