

|any pronouns| just some guy, ❤️💙

フォロー数:314 フォロワー数:115

This mf looks and sounds like king Julien

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23. Grinch (original)

Just a little evil
Fuzzy little man
Very small

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12. Less humanoid aliens

You don’t know if fucking them will kill you they come from different planets and different world entirely. They have otherworldly bacteria
You’re insane,,,

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9. Literally any anthropomorphic character

I am not saying furries are inherently monster fuckers not am I saying furries are inherently monstrous. The shape of water dude is on par with them tho
Just some dudes

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3. Biblical angels

They’re so sexy
Can’t comprehend them as a human
Well mark me horny AND scared

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Skinny guys always got the best dick

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New genre of man just dropped

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