

Rune | 26 |
professional Illustrator/3D Artist specialised in medieval & folklore art

フォロー数:123 フォロワー数:8677

Sketch VS Final

just pure chaos, but I started to use more line sketches for paintings again :') (especially because of client work )

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Artists on Twitter represent! Quote this tweet with your art, tag some artists friends and keep it going!

I tag: (I hope you are all fine with being tagged ^^') & anyone else who feels like joining in ;D https://t.co/WE5i63nfeh

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More WIP on my current commission work. I started to work on the mommy dragon of the baby dragons I sculpted previously, looking forward to finally see the whole group in one scene ~

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Finished another baby dragon sculpt just done! more to go :'D Sculpting something that is supposed to look cute is such a challenge for me, because it's far from what usually do, but a nice change once in a while. Don't worry I will back to my usual stuff afterwards ;)

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Posing for another Baby dragon (2/5) done, for now at least ^^' I will have to do quite a bit of cleanup sculpting though because this & the previous one both have a slight "stiffness" problem & I especially need to work on the faces... for the expression is a bit uncanny atm

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Work in progress of a very curious Baby dragon. Nr 1. of a total of 6 dragons commissioned by a youth project, and are a 3D concept of a concept drawing of dragon statues made by a teenager as an entry for a city beautification- contest hosted by thier town.

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Time for another
Greetings, my name is Rune Hrafnagaldur
I'm an Illustrator & 3D Artist, who enjoys creating pieces inspired by European folklore :)

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Ahh thank you my love🖤
Hi, my name is Rune and I draw & sculpt divine & sinster critters :)

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Finished commission for
Thank you for commissioning me!! :)

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