


フォロー数:401 フォロワー数:3700

Thanks for the translation of and the help from ❤️ It's an AU story which everybody alive and they all have smartphones. One day Reich created the official twitter account...

119 240

The new uniform is too complicate, and I guess Reinhard would trap himself with those kumnerbunds.

172 361

Thanks for thetranslation of !!(。・ω・。)ノ♡#赤金  

93 131

<Never eat on the bed> I missed the birthday of Rainhard....Let's pretend that today is 3/14....🎂🎂🎂🎂

64 130

Coronation of My War Angel + Happy Valentine's Day

76 195

AU: Yang is a history teacher. His research is about a mysterious emperor of fomer dynasty.#logh

226 364