

she/her - 24 - I draw arts - no pr0 ship

フォロー数:132 フォロワー数:1051

Idk who to tag who hasn’t been tagged ujhhhhh

No pressure tho lmao

1 22

More old art (2020)

0 9

Martha, Mary/Bethany, Lazarus

24 182

Dont bleach brown hair at home

26 175

Open the gates

40 234

This feels stiff but I’m practicing

43 224

Hi I’m Marybeth do you have time to speak about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?

Idk if im supposed to tag only isaac artists/artists not tagged b4 but most of my isaac mutuals have been tagged so

4 25

I dont want Lazarus to die every floor :( debuff him !!!

18 116