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//red lights shading practise on this sketch

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A bandits gotta showoff, to get that meal they deserve!

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[work in progress artwork of Luma!]

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Unora showing off her fire bending!
Art by AQV on facebook.

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[Quickly made a new outfit for Luma! I wanted her bandit job to be more noticable in the way she dresses. Expect some artwork of her soonish]

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Hah, betcha didn't think this small bandit could be so original with her fire bending!
Fire claws. Heck yeah!

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// Work in progress
Ive been sketching this out and trying to color it but now im kinda regretting not making lineart.
I mean painting looks cool but its also difficult and time consuming.

This is bound to change btw

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Me Irl as a firebender!

Art by wearebenders on instagram :)

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//I swear to god i thought it was something else for a sec and i was about to scream - i
Im sorry lmao

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