

(they/them ) 🇭🇰| 中文 ENG FIL 🆗️ | aether enthusiast | i draw and write! | 👹🈳️ | allx⛅| 🧋🍡| 🔶️🍃| 🔥🍃| (please dont repost!)

フォロー数:198 フォロワー数:1210

Cake ft baker ae and lovestruck xiao

62 736

"the brightest flower"
Xiao making a qingxin flower crown for Aether before he leaves for sumeru

34 417

xiao birb after he married aefer birb:

69 865

"how to get an aether birb mate"
a guide by xiao birb

238 1802

"不! 因为我的英雄会和我一起坐!”

42 374

head empty only aefer waist

4 146

“魈, 快一点儿!”

106 1113