lynnsagadraws *COMMISSIONS OPEN*さんのプロフィール画像

lynnsagadraws *COMMISSIONS OPEN*さんのイラストまとめ

Hiiii my names Lynn | 23 | they/them | main @lynnsaga | this is my art twitter | multi fandom

フォロー数:105 フォロワー数:29

Some original art coming at you!!! I’ll be back to fan art with my next one I promise ❤️

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Just finished this dtiys challenge!!!

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Hello! My name is Lynn and I’m new here☺️ I do a lot of fan art and random doodles. So come say hi I’m always down to make new art friends!!!

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Just did this draw this in your style. I think it came out kinda good lol I love it🥺

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Hi!!! I’m Lynn and this is my art account. I’m just starting out but I draw fan art dtiys and oc stuff. I’m a slut for she ra atla and voltron come say hi❤️

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Human Finn!! I really hope the has them in it cause I love them so much🥺

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Did a draw this in your style!!! Gonna be getting to my schedule in July cause life stuff is going on rn but ye I hope you like it

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Idk what this is but here you go 😅

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