

🏳️‍🌈30/asexual/game design student. Mainly game fanart here. I write M/M fanfics occasionally:D Soulsborne/HollowKnight/Thymesia

フォロー数:113 フォロワー数:2763

Them... Juno is wearing fairly plain but he still got his Rolex on

13 60

Diallos didn't like his birthmark and tried to cover it, but Juno told him that he is perfect.

45 214


23 76

Varre scolds you for being reckless when he performs perfect treatment on your wound

16 55

Diallos's possessive big brother has scared all his boyfriends away. Diallos never finds out why and thinks they all deem him a fool. (He is a fool.)

28 126

Night's Cavalry's duty

264 855

Juno came picking Diallos up

174 918

Six is often mean to Mono, but she feels bad about it sometimes...

35 199