Zoey 🌱🔮さんのプロフィール画像

Zoey 🌱🔮さんのイラストまとめ

🌱Nature+Mythology / #NYCNFT2023 Speaker / #Bitwitches pfp / #NFTArtist & Founder @NatureOracle / 5 Sold-out Collections
#avaxnft #ftmnft

フォロー数:1094 フォロワー数:2351

's amazing entry for the Art Competition!
Momo's entry on the left and the model Bitwitch on the right!

She's so cute! Her expression is amazing Thank you so much 💗

😊Join us on Discord to vote for your favorite art com entry!

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🎉MINT Countdown!
🎉WL Snapshot Today 8PM - CST
🎉24hrs! AUG 11 - 4PM CST
🌱Join us for the Mint party with & !!

also is doing a last WL giveaway before mint! Don't miss it! 💗

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😊New super cool entries from our Bitwitches Fan Art competition in our Discord! With 💗!! Lots of cools prizes to be won (+ it's fun!)

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🔮Sneak Peak from Bitwitches: Haunted.
🌱Minting AUG 11 on $avaxnfts and $ftmnfts!

Total Mintable Supply 467
🔥267 // 50ftm on $ftm
🔥200 // 0.8avax on $avax

✅All mint proceeds staked + rewards distributed to holders.
✅Airdrops, WL, Giveaways!
✅x5 floor on past collections.

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🔥WL Snapshot for the Bitwitches: Haunted mint for 🌱Nature Oracle, 🔮Witches Oracle and ✨Bitwitches: Banner will happen on AUG 10.

🔮There are only 467 Bitwitches for mint on $ftm anf $avax - you would want to get on the WL 😊

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Some new sneak peak 🔮for Bitwitches collection!

🔥Only 267 mintable on $ftm & 200 on $avax

🎉Win WL spots:
✅Follow &
✅Share + Tag 2 friends.

x3 WL spot on $ftmnfts and $avaxnfts 24hrs.

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💗Really cool art comp entry from 💗! Join us in the Oracle Discord for the Art comp! https://t.co/pHY0QLuMsc
✅8 cools prizes, including SE, Gools, Daemonpunk, Nekro, Bitwitches.
✅Every participant will have a chance of winning, prizes will be Raffled!

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New sneak peak for Bitwitches: Haunted

🎉MINTING AUG 11 on & 🎉
🔮250+ hand-drawn traits - 830 only supply!
🔥Includes rares + 1/1s + animated.
🌱Bitwitches come in 5 elements ... 👀if all are collected...

✅Share + tag 2 friends to win WL + 1 free NFTs!

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🌱Lore and 🔥Art games are LIVE in the
🌟Oracle Discord https://t.co/pHY0QLdbAE

🎉Some really cool prizes: SE, Gool , Nekro and Daemonpunks

🔥If you are an artist + lore enthusist, come join us for the fun and win some prizes

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🔮Sneak peak for Bitwitches: haunted! 🔮

🔥Minting AUGUST 11 on $ftm $avax + Airdrop to Bitwitches Banners Holders🔥

✅The bitwitches come w/ access to games + giveaways, WL and future airdrops.
✅The floors on our past collections are all x5+ from mint.

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