


フォロー数:143 フォロワー数:95

Hand up 🖐️ me plz

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I'm really confused on what people are applying for

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Literal eye candy my guy

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Bruh I wanna make sh*t like what you got here

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1.) Rest computer or fix problems to download the blender studio.

1.5 .) Reach out and find an artist that'll make a good idea of what I want

2.) Practice through blender to create 3d models

3.) Commission the actual artist the cell shaded look

4.) Imprint on 3d model 🧠!!

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I wanna be a V-TUBER but somehow create one that has the vibe of early 2000's polygon game characters....

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Oh my god I just found out a person that I hate made a twitch channel and I SO wanna be a piece of shit and just raid their stream!!

God damn it ;_; I want to give into toxic behavior SO FUCKING BADDDDD

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Ok hear me out...

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I post picture of dog on tik Tok and now I'm famous!! Why am I not happy yet? THIS IS BULLSHIT

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