

I draw stuff.

フォロー数:888 フォロワー数:60

Valentine's Day: Revenge of the old artworks.
Some of my first digital art.

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Haven't drawn anything for weeks now. Decided to try this out.

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Fan art of Bast’Alar
Threat level: Jenga!
I like cats.

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Fan art of Farriwen Breeze. Based on the design of
"Doty take this down, monks are overpowered as shit."
Love this group, more adventures of the Darrington Brigade please.

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"Justice is my religion."
Fan art of The Owlbear. One of my fave character in Critical Role ^__^

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Quick fan art of Quackthulu. I'm not sure where the tentacle beard goes, so I just based it on the mini. Really enjoyed the show. ^__^

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My old Reaper fan art. I should make an updated version of her. Also, Twitter image preview crop sucks :/

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