

Welcome to my account / My name is mochi and here I will publish what my drawings will be /🇵🇪/ /18/

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Another drawing I made of Roblox xd

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Well, now I did Ayano Aishi and Ryoba Aishi.

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(I don't ship to flippy with qt I just like to make them :,/)

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I just wanted to draw them and that's it xd/Solo los quise dibujar y ya xd

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I think I got addicted to drawing ah htf characters and qt mod/Creo que me puse adicta ah dibujar ah personajes de htf y qt mod xd

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This time I did ah bf and gf if they would be in htf (inspiring me in the happy tree funkers mod)/Esta vez hice ah bf y gf si estarían en htf (me inspire en el mod de happy tree funkers)

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Well, this is for since I also really love his style of drawing <3 and well since today is his birthday I made him this little drawing, I hope you like it and have a nice day 🎂💕

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I'm sorry if I'm inactive, I'm taking classes every day and I don't have time to post anything :,) , but I leave you a drawing I made as a hottie

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