

Greetings, fellow human husks! Animation/cartoon enthusiast. Creator of the upcoming webcomic Semafreaks. He/She/They #BLM
[email protected]

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"Eden on the Isle" pic done today 🏙️
Speedpaint is also ready to view: https://t.co/fv4vILMmPv

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This is Jamie (they/them), Aries (he/him), Verrin (design isn’t finalized he/him), and Sadzi, who technically counts (he/him, they/them)

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Some more designs from that story that I still have yet to name

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Felt like doodling today. Show's super cool, ya'll should check it out on netflix.

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Character design I'm working on. I'm still in the process of Semafreaks, but it's good to have other story ideas. That being said this is Eden Millis, a kid who gets captured by fairies, lol.

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Some dragon WIPs I’ve been working on for Some of these I’m sharing cuz wanted to see visual samples of them.

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K guess this is how threads are done. Thnx for the mention, it’s appreciated 💜 first was a school project.


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