

mag ☆ she/her ☆ 日本語, ENG, ITA ☆ JJBA, MHA, videogames and translations!

フォロー数:352 フォロワー数:2582

a beautiful ray of sunshine

46 281

this is the only video that exists

273 544

this whole scene: this is the reason why they’d follow Bruno everywhere, not only he’s a person who inspires people, he is a safe haven.
he inspires me to do better every day, he’s such a role model

96 313

bless u dpro

353 1006

I see what you did there dpro and I like it

98 346

in Italy it’s officially jojo friday

137 608

i miss them so much wtf

83 228

A new Jojo Exhibition will be held from 8/24 to 10/1, tickets will be out for preorder soon.

31 124

nut king call is such a cool stand look how good they all look this is unfair

29 95

johnny and gyro, casually hugging

45 85