

he/him | Occasional doodler | Enjoys pizza and sketching at inappropriate times | Commissions...maybe?

フォロー数:760 フォロワー数:221

Thanks for the tag! I'm Mac, I doodle my OCs and just recently started taking on commissions!

I'll edit this in a sec with some tags of my own!

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Thanks for the encouragement! I'm just an artist for funsies, working on ideas for a webcomic/graphic novel/whatever the hell it ends up being.

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Alright folks, it's Monday. Hand's nice an' rested. Let's raise some more money for a good cause. I'm opening FIVE SLOTS starting at 20 bucks minimum with 100% of the profits headed to https://t.co/C0rqFkYClE ! I've got a few examples of my stuff for you to choose from.

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First set of donation commissions are DONE! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's shown interest. I've been feeling powerless about this situation, and this allows me to use my talent productively for a good cause. Special shout-outs to
for bein' rad.

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Couldnt wait to share this one... lol Just got done with my first donation-commission! Thanks for donating to a great cause, ! Going to open more slots in a few days, DM if you're interested!

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To my 10 followers(lol): I'm opening up 3 slots for donation-based commissions for the price of 20+ bucks! 100% of all profits will be donated to https://t.co/C0rqFkH0X4 as they are received! If you're interested at all, lemme know!

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Piece inspired by my lovely wife . Weightless in water, surrounded by life, free from worry.

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Current WIP! I'm having a lot of fun with this theme, maybe I'll raffle a few off for my very late "thanks for 100!" Dealio?

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