

Written by Stephen Francis and drawn by Rico Schacherl, the hilarious Madam & Eve cartoon strip has been tickling South Africa's national funny bone since 1992.

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Madam gets a new cappuccino machine

4 2

A Grimm fairy tale of a strange man with orange & golden hair...

6 10

Choking on saying "honourable" president Zuma ... ?

5 2

Even some of the president's aides have problems with saying "honourable president..."

4 1

Thandi tries to sing a "pro-gogo" song...

3 0

Evidence of poor workmanship and overspending!

3 2

Obfuscation - Thandi learns from the best... or worst.

7 3

This time the CAT ate Thandi's homework.

2 1

Thandi starts a franchise.

3 1