

24 | ♀️ | Animator, illustrator, storyteller. Creator/artist of Enamored Wight🐺🥀 Studying 日本語. Repost/AI/NFT is prohibited⚠️

フォロー数:1135 フォロワー数:332

~Squawky Raptorrr~
Just uploaded this piece onto my shop I’m case anyone wants a sticker or a print of it!
Raptors are cool yo

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Even though this is a personal piece of me and my bf, I am very proud of how I was experimental with the colors so why not share it?
If you look closely, you can see hearts in the background <3

I actually forgot to post this lmao oops

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here’s my email:
And here’s some of it!

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Sup! My name is Madi and I love to draw illustrations of cute animal characters and animate them!

Animations here:

Cheers! ^^;

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Hello! My name’s Madi, I am currently looking for work as a freelance illustrator/2D animator & love drawing animals as well as my characters!
I hope to draw my comic after finish writing it someday as well as make short films!
My animations:
Cheers! 💕

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I usually show flat colored vs shading/ details for my stuff!

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“Everything will be okay!”
Hang in there as best as I can.

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My fav character, Bluestar!
I updated my 2018 design cause I didn’t like the general shape of it.
I gave her tears in her ear and baggy eyes cause that’s how I see her especially in her “I hate Starclan” phase.
Love this gal

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