

Kau belah dadaku, isinya pasti DAY6.. dan KUCING🫶🏻 I part time illustrator, full time cat sitter | 97L

フォロー数:409 フォロワー数:184





Gaya gaya ilustrasi buku anak ceritanya~

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Ngeshare aje biar dapet primogem wkwk

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Hello everyone!
My name is adele and I'm 23 y.o. I just focused myself in this field after a long time,I always thought I wasn't good enough at this field. Still have to explore more the quality of my illustration. But yeah,hello.. this is me..

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I don't know u gonna see this or not. But wish u happy birthday ,please be happy and absurd like always LOL. This is my small gift for you. Not the best,but hope u like it

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It's not about the relationship between the artists and the fans, it's like a family.Because of the words you've always given to us, I can be myself until now.

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