

award winning cutie honey scholar and contemporary art enjoyer | tine/honey | 25 | she/her

フォロー数:213 フォロワー数:272

23) tharja fire emblem
my evil yandere wife who casts spells on my pussy <3 she's a really interesting type of yandere to me in the way where she's not "i gotta kill everyone close to u" obsessed but "i want to do terrible things to u" obsessed. girl please disembowel me

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22) tsurumaki kokoro
idc about bandori anymore but i will never stop caring her... i just think she's such a cutie and sweetie and baby and mwah mwah kissies from mama <3

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20) chariot du nord
it's hard to pick a fav lwa character because they're all so good but i think chariot is my fav because she's kinda milfy but mostly goofy and very kind. ur guilt complexes are so sexy can we kiss

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16) AIBA
my girl is a hamster and an anime girl at the same time does it get any better than that? yes because she's also incredibly funny

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14) yukishiro azuma
white haired horny man with mental illnesses........... 2! i havent been keeping up with a3 for a while now but he's still on my mind... keep thotting it up king hope they send u to therapy soon xoxo

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9) black magician girl/mana
i will not make this deeper as it is i just think she's really cute and love to collect her figs and cards. mana was a fun character but this is ygo there was 0 depth to her </3 still like her

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5) orihime inoue
similar to ganyu i like how she seems like ur typical ditzy genki girl but there is so much nuance to her and development throughout the whole series... if u dont like orihime im bashing ur skull in shes my big titty milf wife

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4) ganyu
it was love at first sight, i was obsessed with her the moment she showed up in the archon quest. what i love about her is that at first she seems like ur typical ditzy girl trope but theres a lot more to her that makes ganyu an uniquely interesting character to me

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3) zhongli
he is an old man with arthritis, he is my wife, he is pathetic in a way no other character has ever been, he is my silly rabbit, he makes me cry, he is the object of my affection and so so sexy

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