

Artist, Illustrator, Creator of Dreamwalker on WEBTOON and Path of the Twinned Tailed Beast on Webtoon Canvas

フォロー数:125 フォロワー数:6372

10/7 Gener swap. What? Were you expecting something different? It's a cat!

3 24

10/23 TTB Cosplay! Bonus point if you know who this character is!

3 47

10/19 Realising they're in a webcomic
Uh oh, Busted!

2 26

10/11 In Nature... Ya know I could've just drawn TTB in the forest and all...buuuuuuuuttttt :D

2 26

How to be an artist?

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Congratulations on launching Children of Mirra on Visions!! So happy for you with all the things you went through to get there! Here's a fanart for Sein!!

3 51