

フォロー数:158 フォロワー数:641

i wanted to paint tsa mondo based on castlevania simon à la kojima but since thats WAY beyond my current ability here's cv...esque mondo giving u a death ball after killing (?) dracula (?)

please play travis strikes again it's so funny (and heartfelt)

49 87

trying to pace myself on tsa by making myself draw characters i like as i meet them. its going terribly. i like everyone

28 55

may the Lord smile

37 83

fun little wip detail shots because FUCK the rest of the drawing i got the stupid santa destroy logo right that's it pack it up im goin home

7 18

im really slow/bad at following back bc stuff gets lost in my notifs but i wanna give a shoutout to for being Verified™ as the Only million gunman fan bc i read that bio line and went "huh, i really can't argue with that"

much love to uncle moneybags

10 15

i genuinely really like paula & garcia hotshots-golf as characters in their own right but also im reading kurayami rn and getting really emo ... it just feels so personal and it's a shame a wholeass kafka game was overlooked in favour of yeehaw america gun game

36 56

back on my bs of falling for the most obscure possible one-off character

3 28

don't mind them .... just two guys on their way to the james bond convention .............. someone please take away my tablet

11 31