

architect | part time rookie illustrator who deals with a daily struggle of humans through little illustrations | #NFTartists @opensea @foundation 🇹🇭🇯🇵

フォロー数:313 フォロワー数:215

It's Sunday. Are you enjoying eating meals with your friends today?

Mainichi 101 presents first nft collection (1/2)
Altogether in Hunger
is available now on https://t.co/bL6Fvsvk2A

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‘Altogether in Hunger’ a conceptual illustration portray the eagerness to dwell in food together with colleagues/ friends after a tiring day.

0.08 ETH on

More of this collection: https://t.co/8vquCVqxKD

I hope my piece will make your day!

0 0

‘Altogether in Hunger’ a conceptual illustration portray the eagerness to dwell in food together with colleagues/ friends after a tiring day.

0.08 ETH on

More of this collection: https://t.co/8vquCVqxKD

I hope my piece will make your day!

0 0

‘Altogether in Hunger’ a conceptual illustration portray the eagerness to dwell in food together with colleagues/ friends after a tiring day.

0.08 ETH on

More of this collection: https://t.co/8vquCVqxKD

I hope my piece will make your day!

0 0

‘Altogether in Hunger’ a conceptual illustration portray the eagerness to dwell in food together with colleagues/ friends after a tiring day.

0.08 ETH on

More of this collection: https://t.co/8vquCVqxKD

I hope my piece will make your day!

0 0

‘Altogether in Hunger’ a conceptual illustration portray the eagerness to dwell in food together with colleagues/ friends after a tiring day.

0.08 ETH on

More of this collection: https://t.co/8vquCVqxKD

I hope my piece will make your day!

0 0

‘Altogether in Hunger’ a conceptual illustration portray the eagerness to dwell in food together with colleagues/ friends after a tiring day.

0.08 ETH on

More of this collection: https://t.co/8vquCVqxKD

I hope my piece will make your day!

0 0

‘Altogether in Hunger’ a conceptual illustration portray the eagerness to dwell in food together with colleagues/ friends after a tiring day.

0.08 ETH on

More of this collection: https://t.co/8vquCVqxKD

I hope my piece will make your day!

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