mal | getting lost in dormontさんのプロフィール画像

mal | getting lost in dormontさんのイラストまとめ

Michael (Mal) | Nonbinary (he/they) | Adult | white | icon by stanza @ toyhouse | priv is @nokinus

フォロー数:63 フォロワー数:67

the webkinz experience: please ive been doing this for fifteen years i dont need another zingoz zincoz

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havent played through the whole of lobotocorp but i have too much fun drawing my abnormality oc

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motherfucker unlimited. eventually

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i had this file open for like 2 days bc i have brain worms


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silentstar girl real.... i'd love to see more fur colors, some more markings (chest splotches separate from the muzzle color) n curly hair tufts!! maybe more scars? :o

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the only one of these thts going to have actual clothing that isnt like a tie or something
yesod! he purble.

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i hold her out in my hands
i don't usually assign breeds to these but she's a norwegian forest cat bc they're huge as shit and i thought it fit

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