

I lost my bandaid somewhere. What do I do?

フォロー数:859 フォロワー数:4

WIP of a new type of gif^_^

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I hear there's a Parade in Seattle! I'll be doing my duties, but I hope everyone has a boatload of fun!!!

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I had a dream and saw this person for a split second, so I had to make a quick doodle, okay bye!

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Laura is a punching bag for everyone in the universe.
The poor girl>.<

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I want to punch an OcToPuS!!!???

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Animon could've been better done, but here's a thing!

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Don't ASK! Future reference!

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AA, or Aisha! A girl looking for the spark of life! Spread it to the world in a mass text!

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To the request of absolutely noone! UgandanBuns!

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