Malirka okamzikuさんのプロフィール画像

Malirka okamzikuさんのイラストまとめ

Painter of moments Malířka okamžiku

フォロー数:494 フォロワー数:100

Boats having freedom without humans ☺️ when I want to find out if the painting works, I change it into black and white mode 🙂 should have !!!

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For now it is one of the most interesting commisions I ever had… the mirror down the table still have the foil on because of varnishing…A.Rublev tempera on wood from 15th century was the original inspiration from my client 🙂🙏

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Work in progress… what do you think? about this painting? 120x80cm, acrylic on canvas…

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🇺🇦 láska letí na Ukrajinu 🇺🇦 love for Ukraine

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Happy year of everyone 🐯🥳 Přeji všem šťastný rok Tygra 120x90cm 🐯🥳

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