kathe 🌙さんのプロフィール画像

kathe 🌙さんのイラストまとめ

artist, occasionally a writer; an adult™️

フォロー数:323 フォロワー数:867

Ohhh??? Girls??? I like!!! i already shared my art in the small artists thread, but i have a lot more 💛 i'm kathe and i am chaos

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hi!!! I'm kathe!! I like using watercolours 💙💙💙

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5) Sorja has a dream of flying. When you come from a sailing family, it's not the easiest way of life.

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because the best way to start mermay is with pirates, obviously :D pirate!Victor for 💜

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This man is in love, fight me behind Denny's at high noon

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I'm very much an amateur, but i'm trying!! (also yoi still has my heart, why would you ask)

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