Val soopさんのプロフィール画像

Val soopさんのイラストまとめ

Val | he/him ♂️ | ✨🌱Soft (idiot) Friend🌱✨ | 🔞 | Suit made by @howl_yeah! |

フォロー数:1182 フォロワー数:3406



Here's a piece I got for for his birthday last month! I've been wanting to keep it as a surprise, so I haven't been able to post it until now!

Thank you for being the best monster ever!
You're an absolute UNIT and I love you plubby :3 ❤❤❤!!


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"And that's all there is to it... 💁🏽‍♀️"

(Thanks yuguni for drawing this and an even bigger thanks to Robby for the unexpected surprise aha ☺️💕)

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