

જ⁀➴ she/her 22

フォロー数:491 フォロワー数:13159

when they give us another inukag scene like this >>

14 85

why is he carrying a literal bomb

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mirsan being so cute <3 but... what is inukag even doing ...

12 82

the next time we get a shot of inukag like this moroha better be beside them x__x

21 101

when that meteor hits and we get to see inuyasha carry kagome bridal-style to safety <3

14 92

this is the only sesshomaru i know

16 83

tiny kagome and moroha ♡

31 108

moroha in this episode ♡___♡

26 116

this exact scene but make it inukag 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

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