

kagome & tifa lovers only જ⁀➴

フォロー数:475 フォロワー数:12538

inukag sharing a scarf is so personal to me <3

31 104

anyways moroha is the best character who deserves the world pt 1095

35 195

does it ever just how fast
drive you the night
crazy changes

15 103

missing kagome but what is new 🚶‍♀️

17 95

hopefully shippo will make an appearance in the second cour ♡ it’d be nice to see moroha interact w/ her older brother ^^

13 98

have you ever heard a song and immediately thought it was written for inukag and only inukag bc 🙇‍♀️

8 39

kagsan and rin+jaken are the best friendships on inuyasha i don’t make the rules.

22 117