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Comforting to know that the other side of 205 years ago tonight amidst ANOTHER thunderstorm Mary Shelley & four companions were writing ghost stories "to make the reader dread to look round and quick the beatings of the heart."
Amidst which a monster & a Vampyre would be born.
Hugely looking forward to Neil Blomkampf's new supernatural horror 'Demonic' on the brilliant @IFCMidnight .Glitchy horrors and terrifying looking houses tick all the boxes for me.
So me and artist/animator @JedSegovia have been quietly cooking up something pretty special with the vocal talents of the brilliant @ManlyBadassHero - Some games just shouldn't be played.
Animated teaser incoming next week.
There's some glorious recommendations for horror arcade games in Mike Wilson's @BDisgusting piece.
Fond memories of spending far too much time on these (along with a couple I now have to check out. )
@imajkemp 'Go To Hell' by John George Jones (UK)1985.
It is utterly insane.
Been meaning to read @GustaffoVargas 's gorgeous looking 'PUNO' comic for ages. Finally had a chance today - a brilliant delve into a truly unique Peruvian, Cyberpunk dystopia. Having read so many futuristic comics of late, it was a refreshing break from the norm. Seek it out.
Loved the first series of @netflix 's Love, Death and Robots - so couldn't be more hyped about series 2's trailer.
The incredible animation brought back so many memories of the legendary Animatrix. Somehow this series looks to be lifting the bar even higher. Astounding
Rewatched Frankensteins Army last night. It has to be said @RichRaaphorst deserves an Oscar for his monster designs. They're still so horrific and yet haunting. Incredible.
'Who was the man in the grey hat?'
Really pleased to be able to finally share mine & @Skionar (Roger Clarke)'s ghost story comic 'It's Cold Outside' illustrated by the @MikeOB - In honour of the legendary Gary Numan 's B'day this week!👻🎂
Many Happy Returns @numanofficial !