


フォロー数:1054 フォロワー数:156

heard about the new album coming out on the 23rd?

it has lagtrain on it

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heres how i feel about nfts

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weebs when they see a woman on the street (it's just like the 192384th anime where the awkward main character gets harrassed by annoying women!)

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"damn, those alien bastards screenshot my bored ape nft"

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funky guy delphox

x/y may have been shit to some but it was my first pkmn game, and i absolutely love it for that

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18 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

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florida man "naturally immune to covid-19" decides to destroy god

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so i tried doing this shit irl and i think im not going to the gym today, my back hurts

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