Mariiboops (comms open~)さんのプロフィール画像

Mariiboops (comms open~)さんのイラストまとめ

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Pfp by DoxxylBox

フォロー数:43 フォロワー数:4531


I scratched my hand while drawing this, that deserves a penalty.

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Transformers vibes from this one. That's really all I have to say.

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Apparently the creator of this, Will Wright, went on to make most of the games in series. SimCity, SimEarth, SimAnt, SimLife, SimCopter, etc. If there's two things he likes its complete control of everything and helicopters.

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Did they fire that guy at S.H.I.E.L.D. or what?

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I legit have no idea whats going on in this game. There were fighter jets, outer space, dragons, Easter Island heads, etc. This is Jaleco's first NES game, that one company who puts their name where the title should go, and they wanted to be known.

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Pretty well-known game now, but imagine how confused some players back in Melee were to see these two weirdos running around. Then again, Melee also added Mr. Game&Watch.

This game is fun tho.

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"I'm gonna make something of myself, I'm going to night school and one day I'm gonna be somebody!"

"That's right, he's gonna be mayor!"

I applaud anyone who understands this.

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Went for a dirtier look here. Most dirt bikes are covered in mud so it made sense to me.

This game is really fun, but the fact they let you make levels but not save them is a bit off to me.

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It occurred to me that has a TON of licenses they don't use. Maybe they should release a collection called "The Forgotten Worlds of Nintendo" to gauge which hidden moneymakers are locked in the vault.

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What can I say about Urban Champion that hasn't been said before?

Literally anything.

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