

29. He/They. I do art. We're Homestuck. Artist behind the How Little We Know MSPFA comic and video game! English/Deutsch/Español/Svenska/中文/עברית

フォロー数:208 フォロワー数:152

Had to break in the new rp group with a screencap redraw LOL

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Meziut Matrón, the Riddle Box Carnival, and the last (or at least penultimate) art post from this MSPFA that I will put on this blog 👍🏒

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TONIGHT: Idiot looks juggalos in the eye- is promptly killed to death

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Update art from the project that we don't talk about on this blog

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The Magnus Archives' Constable Detective Alice "Daisy" Tonner

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Highlights so far: The Verena-Luke Starter Arc

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Howdy!! My comic "How Little We Know" is about a human on Alternia and the subsequent art-intensive plot involving Secret Orwellian Government Organizations, Experimental Quantum Catalytic Materials, and Sports.
Read here!

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Fanventure music! A remix of the Beach Boys' Sloop John B for "How Little We Know".

This one featuring a background track of radio emissions that Galileo gathered from Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede. For science. Alien science.

Read here:

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