

I make artworks on my laptop. (ง°ل͜°)ง | Please don't use my artwork without permission | I'm more active on Instagram

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HELLO! I'll be uploading some new and old artworks every now and then.

Tldr: I'm using Twitter now.

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Never uploaded these on twitter. (maybe one day, find me on Insta) Heres my 4 artworks! I had fun drawing these because I was out of my comfort zone/experimenting while drawing this.


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"you're not alone." x "neither are you." - Reylo

I recently watched Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker so I made a Fanart of it. Gf shipped them and I understand why she was sad with the ending lol.

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Leo Daily draw and random name
Tried out clipstudio paint. So far enjoying it. Alot of features that PS doesn't have. Also been awhile since I drew a non fanart dude so here you go.

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Daily drawing
Sister named this one cause I cba to think of one atm

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Honestly dunno what to type as a description, I just drew it as the same previous 2 styles. K. Lol.

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