Markus Erdt -OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS-さんのプロフィール画像

Markus Erdt -OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS-さんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator for board games, fantasy, books, apps and more.
Open for commissions:

フォロー数:351 フォロワー数:3767



A little Lilia fanart. The cutest champion in League of Legends.

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Some of my own. In the group-picture, I played the gnome lady in a dark dress. ^^

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A Trigun fanart combined with some Franco-Belgian comic style studies.

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More art shares. I already followed some more I found here.

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Thanks for sharing. I'm Markus, I like to paint, fantasy, stylized stuff as well as some furry.

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I just added 5 from the artists below, good stuff. Here is one of my works. Thanks for the share.

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Waiting for the movie ^^. Here are 2 fanarts I made a while back. Amazing show, amazing animation. Check it out if you haven't.

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Yamabro! Can't wait to see her drink Zoro under the table and shatter Sanji's picture of women by picking her nose in front oh him XD

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