

spoiler⚠ゲームしてアニメ見て絵を描きます。その時好きなもの色々!/OMORI(🍳🎹)Pokémon(🍊🎐🔨🦩🎈🎶)FF14うちよそ(🏹👓#ジョリもと)/Don't re-upload❌/JPN,ENG/【Commission】skeb.jp/@maromi_ika+PayPal

フォロー数:122 フォロワー数:15365

I can’t imagine live without you...

[ Day 4: Love Language ]

865 5984

It is very difficult to draw MARI

96 769

When they are together, every season is filled with happiness💙💜

[ Day 3: Seasons ]

535 2586

You and I were supposed to be a family...

[ Day 2: Family ]

829 5917

Happy Birthday, my dear precious🎂

[ Day 1: Birthday ]

640 3620