

This place is a freakshow I want out. 1/2 of the @driftrodzine 🔥❤️⚔️Admin team. Read pinned thread before you follow, please.

フォロー数:405 フォロワー数:244

hooooooooooowwwwww the fuck?????? is thissss???? a logical, sensible or in any shape size or form well-written sequence of events????????????????????? howwwwwwwwwwwwwww????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
losing my fucking mind here

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like. people do know that things, especially things like a character learning that it's not all about them need to be SHOWN not just told?? people know this right??

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okay so.

1) this is one of my favorite moments in the whole of mtmte

2) it's entirely worthless in the context of ll#25. this isn't an enduring affection. how.... empty and meaningless it becomes on a reread

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i don't even know what to say here. like. legit.

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he promised drift they're getting out, didn't he? and the pet knows where their only way out is. therefore it makes sense to get that information and *he'd* be willing to risk his life for it so why is it that big of a deal?? how self-centered. how merciless. how endearing

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this whole sequence makes me feel all sorts of ways

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a rare moment where drift's spirituality isn't the butt of a joke and. my heart. it's in a wood chipper

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deathsaurus did NOT sign up for this

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oh rodimus....

like. i've made my feelings on this particular development known multiple times (it's bullshit, drift's only been absent that long bc jro couldn't have him and megs next to one another) but it's there and it's a shitty apology and drift deserved better

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honestly the only context i can accept what happened here is if it was intended as "rodimus weighing the lives of *his* crew vs the lives of strangers"

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