

18 working to make my dream a reality ✨✨

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Here's something I drew lol

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Hiya!! That would be me as I specialize in anime art! Here's my comm sheet I do free sketches if you aren't sure please dm me if interested,

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Hiya!! I'm Jax if you're looking to commission please consider me I do free sketches and this is not a bot tweet

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I made a commission sheet for character drawings finally, now I got to make one for extras, animations

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Well once you are able to commission someone please consider me, I'll do it for $8 here's some of my work

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I can for $5 here's some of my work pls dm me if interested

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Hiya, Im on my phone rn so I don't have many examples of my work however if you dm me when I get back to my laptop I can send you some more, anyways I can draw what you want for $35 that's fully shaded and all the 2 examples I got on my phone is my worst art but I can do better

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Looking for art mutuals and my comms are open

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I'm looking for art moots if anyone wants to be mutuals, also my comms are open

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Hiya, I'm on my phone right now so I only got 2 things to post on here but here's some things I drew, my comms are open if anyone wants to commission me

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