

kit - they/them - 26 | @angeIope @seamanenjoyer @loverknifed

フォロー数:4679 フォロワー数:883

to be quite honest i think .hack sign was my first consumption of gay characters in media, released in 2002 but i think i watched it around 2004 or 2005. anyways god bless i miss them

4 12

party boy to soothe the savage soul

6 10

you are invited to party boys beach barbecue

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I love that the pic on closures secret files aren't even their stickers from the Originium Dust set, they're brand new and liskarm has accepted franka and is blushing over franka's PDA

9 13

lux pain might have had the worst possible english localization but the art for it is still so cute to this day

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the way media like heaven's design team, sleepy princess and torture princess portray hell and the devil and demons is so funny

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