

Fakemon artist/designer
Soon moving to bluesky!


フォロー数:462 フォロワー数:4369

This looks too much like jwnutz's yamask and slumbrigus

1 33

No tengo fangame ni región, pero eres bienvenido de usar cualquiera de mis formas regionales

10 83

So... after I posted my Proto Klink I wanted to make a Neo form next, and decided to make it for the Sudowoodo line! They are Steel/Electric types that evolved to blend in urban enviroments

231 1707

I discussed the same idea with some friends! I even designed a "proto" Kling and Klang (aka Klunga)

25 330

More variants, and also a new fakemon!
Ignemon [Fire]
Slowpoke [Psychic]
Slowbro [Psychic/Fire]
Slowbrawl [Fighting/Fire]

171 1187

Geodude and Graveler regional variants, and regional evolution Ghoulem. All rock/ghost type.
The wordplay of Ghoulem came to my mind and I inmediately had to make it into a regional variant.

31 215

Welcome to the Eis-club

37 398

Context: Had this idea for an Eiscue variant and regional evo (Ground) Eiscue would be almost like the regular one but sandstorm instead of hail. Evo (named Soilstriche) would only lose its coverage by smashing it against the opponent, and recover it the same way in the ground

185 1169

Pointy headed bats gang

4 37

I need to redraw this and add both of your mons!!!

7 59