

EN: Matheus | Artist | Brazilian | I tweet sometimes

BR: Matheus | Artista | Brasileiro | Eu tweeto
algumas vezes

Banner: @Questiiy

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:19

"Holloween" Day 21: Kingdoms

A kingdom like others rose up from the ground, but it's end, would crash down harder...

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"Holloween" Day 20: Lifeblood

Woo! 20 days in a row, that's great!

Anyways, has anyone wondered where even the lifeblood comes from? I hope that get's explored on Silksong or later games.

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"Holloween" Day 19: Mimic

I decided to step down a bit and do a pencil drawing of the Grub Mimic for some practice, looks fine to me!

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"Holloween" Day 17: Gods

"You wish to face the gods? Pfft, Thou shall be crushed right on the first one you face."

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"Holloween" Day 16: Friend

Not my best prompt of the month, but hey it's Elderbug, precious boy, protect at all costs.

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If this is not her I dunno who it is

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"Holloween" Day 9: Moths

I was kinda out of ideas so please have my humble Seer and her dream form drawing!

(Repost because I put the wrong day)

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"Holloween" Day 1: Ghost

I decided to draw Gravedigger because he deserves more love

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