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(2023/03/29) Plan national pour mieux réguler les trottinettes électriques | Ministères Écologie Énergie Territoires https://t.co/cMZumnMwff
(2022/05/13) 2022年1月トンガ噴火に伴う地球規模の津波発生と伝播メカニズムを解明 -火山噴火による新しい津波研究が必要に- | 防災科研(NIED) /東京大学地震研究所 https://t.co/6sxI2EHvfk
(2022/01/10) Copernicus: Globally, the seven hottest years on record were the last seven; carbon dioxide and methane concentrations continue to rise | Copernicus https://t.co/A1WEchqa2G
Blazes Rage in British Columbia | NASA Earth Observatory https://t.co/p3FO8O09wA
03/23 紛争でしたら八田まで(5) (モーニングコミックス) | 田素弘 | 青年マンガ | Kindleストア | Amazon https://t.co/rypU5mqm3g
Green Run Update: Hot Fire Conducted on Jan. 16 – Artemis https://t.co/ZyHKMFCpm9 https://t.co/HIhyMjCgx9
令和2年12月中旬以降の大雪と低温の要因と今後の見通し | 気象庁 https://t.co/gkIgFFBP6M
2020 was Earth’s 2nd-hottest year, just behind 2016 | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration https://t.co/2HiDFgKd0K
(2020/12/09) eROSITA finds large-scale bubbles in the halo of the Milky Way | Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics https://t.co/MO11CkvHJ7