

3D Generalist | Total Goofball | Huge forklift lover and marine waifu lover | PFP by @BossVeteran134 | @Rookie_425's non-biological son

フォロー数:340 フォロワー数:2866

Ah I love doing this old shot as a reference to SW:TCW during my old days in SFM, and Clem was my name prior to matthewo1o. Wonder if I should remake this.

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Well shoot, I didn't know the model's already released! Thanks, Soul!

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Hammer + Knight girl is the best girl

0 13

"Forming our own fireteam, The Captain taking control of a Halcyon prototype, things are pretty interesting here on Splint."

"Heh, you don't know the half of it, Alison. Once we're done, we're joining Kells on Reach to take the fight to the Covenant."

5 24

Your last saved photo is what we should replace cops with.


2 35

Happy birthday, Dad! 🎂

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