

🔞 Lil goblin man drawing cartoons Biz: [email protected] All my stuff: (Patreon🔞) pfp: @MissAndyDandy // VT Dad: @IshyTanuki…

フォロー数:947 フォロワー数:48497

pls draw more Phoenix wright chars cuz DAYUM 🔥

1 75

Summer Pizza 🍕🍕

100 981

Malice's bro drives the (stronger) Celica ☠️☠️

70 635

Decided to stick with trying to base Pris's Rx7 off of a Re Amemiya kit lol ☀️☀️

72 806

Sister summer 🍕🚗

130 1307

Stubby Shado 🔫🔫

172 1061

its them Sega boyz again

140 852

Some GTA boiz w/ Gunlord Gunubis (who's palette I really gotta settle on)

25 300

Hunter Burrito and Choir Puck

46 388

more of my Devil-May-Borne-Vania girl I'm working on - trying to go full Dante/Djura with the design

53 519